Day in the Park

Spent the day in Balboa Park recently and had such a nice time. Felt like we were a normal family doing the things I imagine most people do on a Sunday. Not that we're not normal, we can just be a little lazy sometimes... especially on Sundays. We spent a couple hours walking around and having lunch before seeing the musical "Almost Famous" at the Old Globe. It will definitely be stored away in my memory as one of my favorite shows. Loved it. But I also loved walking around outside on a beautiful day, watching the koi fish in the lily pond, studying plants in the Botanical Building and sharing what I could remember of my studies on World's Fair architecture - Balboa Park was built for the 1915 Panama-California Exposition. And it's all just right there, within an hour's drive away. We really should go back more. That and simply get out of the house on Sundays.